Support for the Victims of the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Source: the European Left

transform! europe follows the European Left in calling for increased efforts to support the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey, Kurdistan and Syria and expresses its sincere condolences and full solidarity with all those affected by this catastrophe.

Together with other left and progressive forces, we will extend our assistance and solidarity, in a situation when assistance from official governmental institutions – the EU, USA, and European governments, including governments of Turkey and Syria – has clearly failed.

Turkey is in a region that is subject to earthquakes and faced very hard earthquakes in the past. AKP government, in power since 2002, has been criticised by academic circles, experts and professional organisations for not upgrading building codes, control of construction and planning new regions suitable for construction. Moreover, they have not formed a well-trained and equipped urgent rescue organisation, while weakening and closing existing bodies.

This resulted in a catastrophe because of inadequate, not-in-time, logistically poor rescue operations. More than 41 000 citizens lost their lives and more than 81 000 were injured. Thousands are trying to survive in harsh winter conditions, in cold tents without proper housing and nutrition.

We express our condolences to the people of Turkey and Syria and recommend increasing sending donations to safe and reliable channels and organisations dedicated to meeting the urgent housing and accommodation needs of the people.

(Originally published on the Website of the European Left)

The Kurdish Red Half Moon Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê and medico international are calling for donations to help the victims of the earthquake:

medico international e.V.

IBAN: DE69 4306 0967 1018 8350 02
GLS Bank
Reference "Nothilfe Erdbeben"
To donate online click here

Kurdischer Roter Halbmond
Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê e.V.

Kreissparkasse Köln
53840 Troisdorf
IBAN: DE49 3705 0299 0004 0104 81
Reference "Erdbebenhilfe"
To donate via Paypal click here
Reference "Erdbebenhilfe"